2548 Glendale Ave
Green Bay, WI 54313

2548 Glendale Ave
Green Bay, WI 54313

(920) 434-1079

Ask Your Neighbor

The weather is starting to warm up so now is the time to start planning your summer garden!  March or April is a good time to start your garden seeds indoors and after a few weeks you’ll be able to transfer them to a garden!

Some supplies you will need to get started are: Seed starter tray

  1. Seed started pits
  2. Seed starting potting mix
  3. Vegetable seeds
  4. Grow light
  5. Water

Once you have your supplies we create a space to start planting.

Let’s get started!

You will first want to cover your work area with a tarp or table cloth because it will get messy.  

Lay the seed starting mix on the table and mix in water just until the soil feels like a damp sponge

Fill your tray or pots with the seed starting mix

Make a shallow hole in each pot- the end of a pencil is a great diameter and the end of the eaiser is a good length

Drop seed into the hole you have created

Lightly cover the seed with the soil

Place a cover over the new plantings with the cover provided or plastic wrap

Put a grow light over the tray or in a nice exposing window.  (new plantings need 14-16 hours of light each day)

You should start to see plants emerge in 7-10 days. Keep your seedlings covered until they stretch out of their covers. Water your seedlings when the soil looks and feels dry. In 3-4 weeks your plants can be transplanted to a larger pot. Deeping on the weather or variety of seedlings you can then transport into the garden as the weather and outside soil warms up. Be sure to watch our video of seed starting

Happy Gardening!